
Monday, 2 May 2011

My Learning Goals for Term Two

My learning goal for Reading this term is:
To use chunk, check, cheer to work out words I don't know when I am reading by myself on my net book to and to continue reading every night.

To achieve this goal, I will need: 
To always remind myself to chunk,check and cheer to self-correct my mistakes and find my own way out of my reading challenges.

My whanau can help me achieve this by:
They can help me by reading with me at home every night.
They can also help me by correct words when I get it wrong in my chapter book.
My whanau can also help me by,reaching an higher level at reading.

My learning goal for Writing in term two is: 
To learn how to slope, how to write like an adult.
Also to put my punctuation in the right place.

To achieve this goal I will need to: 
Take my time so I can write neater by hand.  
Read my writing out loud with a buddy so we can add in the right punctuation and hit the national standard!

My whanau can help me achieve this goal by: 
Teaching me how to slope and teaching me how to write with all my punctuation in the right place.

My learning goal for maths is: 
Hit the national standard in maths by using my basic
facts to solve maths problems.

To achieve this goal, I will need to: 
Learn my basic facts including division and times-tables.

My whanau can help me achieve my maths goals by: 
Teaching me how to use my basic facts right and by doing some times tables in the
olden day way.

My personal goals for term two is: 

Be a faster typer when using my net-book.

To achieve my goals, I will need to:
By using tux-typing to practise my typing every day.

My whanau can help me by: 
Giving me time on the computer at home to practise my typing on the typing websites.

1 comment:

  1. that was good richmond you have done very good.
    that was cool.
